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"Quiero comulgar, así que me tengo que confesar." Te resulta familiar? Para muchos Católicos, la confesión es solo un medio para alcanzar un fin: lavarnos del pecado para poder recibir la Comunión. Sin embargo, como nos dice el Papa Francisco, la confesión es mucho más que "ir a la lavandería." Es "un encuentro con Jesús que nos espera como somos." En  7 secretos de la confesión , el autor de gran éxito de ventas, Vinny Flynn, explora las verdades "ocultas" de ese encuentro con Cristo, presentando lo que para muchos será un modo nuevo de acercarse a la confesión, e invitándote a iniciar un apasionante camino personal de sanación y santidad. Si aún no ansias la consfesión de la misma manera que ansias la Comunión, lee este libro. Cambiará tu vida.   English Description  Flynn, author of the best-seller  7 Secrets of the Eucharist  (200,000 copies sold), presents a similar approach to the Sacrament of Confession in this new book that reveals 7 key "secrets" or hidden truths about the great spiritual beauty, power and depth of Confession.  The understanding that many Catholics have of the Sacrament of Confession is so limited and narrow in its focus that it keeps them from discovering the real beauty and value of this Sacrament: beauty and value that even a young child can understand if it's presented properly. For too many Catholics, Confession is just a means to an end: cleaning us up from sin so we can receive Communion. But, as Pope Francis tells us, Confession is much more than "going to the dry cleaner." It's "an encounter with Jesus, who waits for us as we are."  In his years of speaking all over North America, Flynn saw that many Catholics have a limited appreciation of Confession, and the urgent need for clear teaching about this great Sacrament. If you have not yet experienced Confession as a wonderful, personal encounter with Christ; if you do not yet look forward to going to Confession with the same eagerness and expectation with which you receive Holy Communion; then this book is for you. It will be a whole new way of going to Confession, inviting you to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness. It may very well change your life. 7 secretos de la confesión - 7 Secrets of Confession in Spanish Nos dice el Papa Francisco, la confesión es mucho más que "ir a la lavandería." Es "un encuentro con Jesús que nos espera como somos." Presentando lo que para Author: Vinny Flynn Pages: 204 Format: Paperback
Condition: New