Willard Haywood2 years ago Anyone own a successful business that I can talk to ? I am 19 years old and have wanted to start my own online business for about a year now. I have read tons of books and researched as much as I think is necessary. The price to start the business is approximately 80k which is a LOT of money for someone my age. I run my own service based business at home and have saved all the money I can(around €6,000.) I am planning on trying to crowdfund the money and possibly take out a loan as well. I have kind of hit a wall where I am just unsure of what to do, although I do think it could just be Analysis paralysis. I am looking to talk to someone who has maybe been through something similar and has got through it and now has a successful business. Any comments or help at all would be really helpful 👊 Thank you 🙏111