Anjanette Elvina3 days agoI’m 25F and I’m struggling in the dating scene. I’ve gone on dates and had a few “flings,” but I’ve never gone all the way with anyone. I’ve always wanted to save that for someone in a relationship, but it feels like that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Dating is tough for me because it takes a while to truly like someone, and it’s hard to find someone who matches my pace. Plus, I live in an area where there aren’t many educated people, and I find myself really attracted to the mind. I’ve noticed I don’t click with many guys in my hometown. Most aren’t interested in academics, while I’m currently in my grad program on an internship. We just don’t seem to share the same interests, especially compared to the men I meet in school or with degrees. It’s not that I’m ruling out men without degrees completely, but I’ve noticed this trend consistently. I live in a very car-dependent area, which doesn’t help me meet people naturally either. I don’t have many friends here, and I moved here from my college town in July, so I don’t know many people in my new area yet. Any advice on navigating this situation or finding someone who matches my interests and pace would be really appreciated!1282